Inside Wise Ways Emporium
Sarah Ann loves the first moments of each day when the sun streams in thru the front windows. She takes a few minutes to make sure that everything is ready for the day before she unlocks the doors.
Even in the bright morning sun, the overhead lights shining on the window displays make the crystal sparkle.
The picture on the wall behind Sarah Ann is the one taken of her the day she got the deed to her land. The picture is of my real life Great Grandmother and the model for the custom doll I commissioned from Gina Gagnon.
Looks like everything is ready for opening.
Sarah Ann has added some interesting plants to the inventory.
Percutio is curious about why this plant keeps calling him Seymour.
A-ha! I knew Maharet was around here somewhere! She seems to be interested in a new scrying mirror. Napoleon is recommending the silver one with the cat on the frame.
The shell lamps I made give such a warm and lovely glow to the shelves.
Maharet hugs her Great Grandmother in congratulations on her new shop.
Upstairs is the research room which is often used for socializing and relaxing. Come upstairs and see!